Hello Teachers Month!

Sorry Teachers...

Image Courtesy of 90schick.com

One of the first people we meet in our lives are teachers. They serve as our second parents away from home. This means they will take care of us and will continue to as long as we are under their supervision. If you do anything at school, not only will your parents teach you a lesson, your teachers too as well.

What is Teachers Day? According to Google,  
"it is a special day for the appreciation of teachers, and may include celebrations to honor them for their special contributions in a particular field area or the community in general." 
In Layman's terms, this is a celebration where we commemorate all the things teachers have done for us. You can drink...

To celebrate teachers month is all up to you, surprise your professor or childhood teacher. Give him/ her a gift, hug them, buy them a cake, do anything, just show your appreciation.

Image courtesy of Favim.com

If you didn't know, it's really hard to be a teacher. There are many of things to do, students to handle, and some even have to work on the weekends. Their schedules can get so packed that they may not have time for friends, and we all need time for that. They even make sacrifices for you, staying long nights to make the test you failed, your retest, all of the effort and time just to make you pass. If you're an honor student or at least an average standing student, good for you, you may not have given your teacher a hard time but, make your teacher happy for Teachers Day, even just for a day, they deserve it.

For the students? Treat your teachers right. Now go and make you teacher smile! or if you can't because of something you may have done, Goodluck!
